Monday, August 31, 2009

Today's lesson

First you are going to write a business plan with WordPad. This seems like a good link.

You'll need these categories in your business plan:

1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Company Summary
3.0 Products
4.0 Market Analysis Summary
5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary
6.0 Management Summary
7.0 Financial Plan

Second you are going to create a logo with Paint.

Third, use your blog to write a press release about your exciting new business.

Email me a possible idea today to Put the subject as "Possible Business Idea for Business Plan!"

Good typing games
Beat my score 1.5 million.

Today I would like everyone to test their typing speed using this site:

Marketwatch game

First go to

mdcoffice is the game id. Join the game!

Select some stocks that you think will help you win the game!

Mr. Cool

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Computer Basics

Internet Explorer Presentation

What do you think of StumbleUpon?

What do you think of the FireFox add-on StumbleUpon? Give me your impressions on your blog.

Did you find any interesting sites?

Keyboard shortcuts

Alt + Left arrow to go back
Alt + Right arrow to go forward
Alt + Tab cycles through programs that are open
Windows Key + M = minimizes all the open programs

Alt + D will take you to the address bar using Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox

PageRank algorithm

Google Adwords

Do not download unknown .exe files. Do not download unknown office files. Beware of viruses!

Mozilla Firefox (open source)- install StumbleUpon.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Find an interesting article and comment on it your blog

First visit

Pick any article that interests you and write a brief summary on your blog about what it is about.

Write me an email with a bit of information about yourself

  1. What do you expect out of this class?
  2. What experience do you have with computers?
  3. What is your major?
  4. Any other information that you think is pertinent.

Your first post is to summarize what we learned in the first presentation.

Try to remember as many concepts as you can. I'll post the Presentation up in one minute.


Welcome to class!