Monday, November 30, 2009

Present your "All About Me!" spreadsheet on Wednesday

Sign up to avoid taking the PowerPoint objective test.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

On your blog...

In your life, how do you see yourself using Word, Excel, and Access? Which do you enjoy using the most? Which is the most useful?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Budget Project:The purpose of this project is to keep an accurate snapshot of your spending, saving, and earning potential for a ten day period. You will keep track of your earnings and money spent using Google Documents, specifically Google Spreadsheets. But I'd like you to upload the spreadsheet here when you are finished.

One sheet will be specifically for money coming in minus taxes. Include the date you were paid.

One sheet will be specifically for money going out. Include the date you spent the money.

Include a brief description of the purchase. You'll need this for your graphs.

Within this sheet you will divide purchases into the following categories: Transportation Consumables Entertainment (include cable and Internet) Clothing Rent (include electricity) OtherFinally sum up all purchases.One sheet will calculate the difference (Are you saving the excess or using a credit card to finance your purchases?) and include the following graphs: On this sheet you will create a bar graph of your money spent per day.

Create a pie chart with the five categories and how you much you spent for each.

Create a line graph of your money spent per day.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Objective Test Terminology (Wednesday 9/30)

Left, center, right justified alignment
Line spacing (single, double)
Format painter
Paste options
Office Clipboard
Works Cited
Hanging Indent
The placement of paragraph text relative to the left and right margins is known as the ________.
To keep two words together as one unit, so that Word does not split them at the end of a line, insert a(n) __________ space.
What is a "Symbol"? How would you access it?
A set of formatting characteristics that can be applied to a paragraph with one shortcut command is known as a 'style'.
A list of information about a reference source, usually including the name of the author, the full title of the work, the year of publication, a Web address, and other publication information, is called ____________.
Document Properties
Insertion point
Title bar
Word wrap
Keyboard shortcut
Live preview
Scroll box
Scroll bar
Quick Access Toolbar
Formatting marks
When you select text, the __________ toolbar displays buttons that are commonly used with the selected object.
Selecting text
Which view displays page margins?
How do you quickly access the shortcut menu with the mouse?
Word Art
Floating graphic
Rotate handle
Leader characters
Tab stop
Table style
Merge cells

Which keyboard shortcut moves to the end of the line? END

manual page break : how? what is it?
Word Template
Word Document
Word 97-2003
Clip art
Formatting marks
Bold, italics, underline
Where is the Print Layout button located?

End of chapter questions:

End of Ch. Questions, pp. 56-57

End of Ch. Questions, pp. 90-91

End of Ch. Questions, pp. 124-125

End of Ch. Questions, pp. 158-159

No notes or book on the Objective Test.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Find an article about technology on

Peruse the site

Find an interesting article and summarize the article with at least 100 words and post the review on your blog. Also post a link to the article!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This link should work.

You can purchase the access code here.

You will need the following course code:


I will go over this next class!

Email me at :

I can read over your business plan.

First Objective Test

Will be on September 14th. Here's the review sheet.

Evaluating hardware

  • How much RAM should your computer have? Why?
  • What speed CPU?
  • How much storage space?
  • What is the best operating system for your computer?
  • What brand will you get?
  • How much do you expect your computer will cost?
  • Answer on your blog. Why did you pick the specs you did?

Monday, August 31, 2009

Today's lesson

First you are going to write a business plan with WordPad. This seems like a good link.

You'll need these categories in your business plan:

1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Company Summary
3.0 Products
4.0 Market Analysis Summary
5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary
6.0 Management Summary
7.0 Financial Plan

Second you are going to create a logo with Paint.

Third, use your blog to write a press release about your exciting new business.

Email me a possible idea today to Put the subject as "Possible Business Idea for Business Plan!"

Good typing games
Beat my score 1.5 million.

Today I would like everyone to test their typing speed using this site:

Marketwatch game

First go to

mdcoffice is the game id. Join the game!

Select some stocks that you think will help you win the game!

Mr. Cool

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Computer Basics

Internet Explorer Presentation

What do you think of StumbleUpon?

What do you think of the FireFox add-on StumbleUpon? Give me your impressions on your blog.

Did you find any interesting sites?

Keyboard shortcuts

Alt + Left arrow to go back
Alt + Right arrow to go forward
Alt + Tab cycles through programs that are open
Windows Key + M = minimizes all the open programs

Alt + D will take you to the address bar using Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox

PageRank algorithm

Google Adwords

Do not download unknown .exe files. Do not download unknown office files. Beware of viruses!

Mozilla Firefox (open source)- install StumbleUpon.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Find an interesting article and comment on it your blog

First visit

Pick any article that interests you and write a brief summary on your blog about what it is about.

Write me an email with a bit of information about yourself

  1. What do you expect out of this class?
  2. What experience do you have with computers?
  3. What is your major?
  4. Any other information that you think is pertinent.

Your first post is to summarize what we learned in the first presentation.

Try to remember as many concepts as you can. I'll post the Presentation up in one minute.


Welcome to class!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

See how fast you can type

Put your WPM on your blog.

Click here. Do a 1 minute test and copy and paste the results on your blog.

Test completed - here are your results:
Net Speed: 78 WPM
Accuracy: 98%
Gross Speed: 79 WPM
Print results

PowerPoint project

"All About Me!"

You may present it for extra credit on July 29. Everyone will turn it in on by July 30, 2009.

Chapter 15, 16, 17 PowerPoint practice is up if you are interested in preparing for next Thursday's performance exam.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Databases in the news

First click here:

and find an article about databases in the news. Give a brief summary about how the database is being used. Write this on your blog.
Access "Possessions" Project

For this project you are going to create a database and a table of your most important possessions.

You will need at least 6 different fields with one being numeric.
You will need at least 8 unique records.
You will need at least 4 queries.

UPload to by July 27, 2009.

You are done!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Budget Project

Budget Project:

The purpose of this project is to keep an accurate snapshot of your spending, saving, and earning potential for a ten day period.

You will keep track of your earnings and money spent using Google Documents, specifically Google Spreadsheets.

One sheet will be specifically for money coming in minus taxes. Include the date you were paid.
One sheet will be specifically for money going out. Include the date you spent the money. Include a brief description of the purchase. You'll need this for your graphs.
Within this sheet you will divide purchases into the following categories:
Entertainment (include cable and Internet)
Rent (include electricity)
Finally sum up all purchases.
One sheet will calculate the difference (Are you saving the excess or using a credit card to finance your purchases?) and include the following graphs:
On this sheet you will create a bar graph of your money spent per day.
Create a pie chart with the five categories and how you much you spent for each.
Create a line graph of your money spent per day.

Using spreadsheets

Today we will be using Google Spreadsheets to compare Google and Yahoo!

Here is the assignment. Add me as a viewer.

Here is a sample from last year.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Today's Excel exercise

This was the example I did in the beginning of class.

Please read this article about the new version of Office 2010 and comment on your blog. I will check your blog on Friday.

Tomorrow we will work on a budget and do some comparisons about corporations using Excel.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Objective test Wednesday

Here's what you need to know for the Word objective test:
Left, center, right justified alignment
Line spacing (single, double)
Format painter
Paste options
Office Clipboard
Works Cited
Hanging Indent
The placement of paragraph text relative to the left and right margins is known as the ________.
To keep two words together as one unit, so that Word does not split them at the end of a line, insert a(n) __________ space.
What is a "Symbol"? How would you access it?
A set of formatting characteristics that can be applied to a paragraph with one shortcut command is known as a 'style'.
A list of information about a reference source, usually including the name of the author, the full title of the work, the year of publication, a Web address, and other publication information, is called ____________.
Document Properties
Insertion point
Title bar
Word wrap
Sans serif
Keyboard shortcut
Live preview
Scroll box
Scroll bar
Quick Access Toolbar
Formatting marks
When you select text, the __________ toolbar displays buttons that are commonly used with the selected object.
Selecting text
Which view displays page margins?
How do you quickly access the shortcut menu with the mouse?
Word Art
Floating graphic
Rotate handle
Leader characters
Tab stop
Table style
A(n) ___________ symbol indicates the paragraph to which an object is attached.
When a graphic is selected, ___________ display around the edge of the graphic.
A banner is an example of a predefined __________ that can be inserted into a document.
A series of dots following a tab that serve to guide the reader's eyes is known as a dot __________.
To move from cell to cell across a table as you enter text, press ___________.
To create a table in Word, click the ___________ button on the Insert tab.
Shading button and its relation to tables.
To set the alignment of a table on a page, display the Table tab of the ________ dialog box.
Merge cells

**If you answer the questions at the end of chapters 5-8, it will be beneficial for your objective exam on Wednesday! **

Read the following about the housing bubble

Read this book review/ interview with the author.

Answer the following questions on your blog:

  1. Who do you think is to blame for the housing bubble?
  2. How does the author of the book feel about using government money to promote home ownership?
  3. Alyssa Katz mentions another similar bubble situation. How was it resolved?
  4. What happened in Lehigh Acres ?
  5. Would you invest in real estate now?
  6. Would you be interested in the book?

Stock market update

On your blog give a snapshot of how your stocks are doing. Are you going to change strategies? What are you going to need to do differently?

summerMDC is the game id and password.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Five links to help write a resume

Find five links to help your classmates write a better resume and summarize quickly why they are good pages.

View the first page. These samples are tailored for college students and recent graduates. This might be useful for my fellow classmates.

This page describes how important experience is when it comes to finding a job. College students would be advised to take on jobs relevant to their major.

Professional resume writers are willing to shape a resume for you. This site guarantees you will have an interview AND get hired or they'll pay you $50.

The objective statement summarizes what your goals are for your job search. This slideshow describes the process.

This forum is dedicated to people discussing their resumes. It seems like a lively site as there are thousands of posts.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's a bell curve!

Please upload your business plan to

First you are going to write a business plan with WordPad. The business plan needs to be at least a page.

Second you are going to create a logo with Paint.

Third, use your blog to write a press release about your exciting new business. The press release should also be approximately a page and should describe how exciting your new business is!

Lastly you will zip up your business plan and logo and upload it to

Here is my document.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Predict which will influence your life the most...

Of all the things we did in class today, which will have the biggest impact on your life? Please give me feedback on your blog...

If you wish to purchase the access code

You may click here. You will need a CC. At Lemox the book is $85 I hear.
Course ID for :

Course ID: CRSABDS-609862

Find an interesting trend

Either by location or search volume, using Google trends find an interesting search trend. Post the interesting item on your blog and speculate as to why the trend is as it is.

Sign up for 5+ blogs using Google Reader. MDCOffice needs to be one of them!

Take a screenshot of your Reader and post it on your blog.

Use Print Screen and Paint.

Online identity

Create a Google Profile.

Here is where to do it.

Post a link on your blog.


On your blog:

  1. What stocks did you purchase and why?
  2. What is a stock?
  3. How do you anticipate your stocks will do over 1 month? 1 year? 10 years?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

First objective quiz on Tuesday; first project due Sunday before 11:59pm

First quiz on Tuesday.

Business Plan before Sunday.

Also check to make sure you have commented on your blog about the following articles/class projects:

Really interesting article about supercomputers

Read this and comment on your blog.


Here is a good link. Please email me your business plan by noon and I will give you some feedback!

Here are some sample business plans.

Favorites online

Try this!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Link to mediafire

I hope this works.

It does! If you have any questions about how to zip up your plan. Have your business plan/logo/press release done by Sunday at 11:59. This will be your first project grade.

Business plan

Here is a very detailed outline on how to write a business plan.

Here are the main categories to cover:

These are the categories to explain in your business plan:

1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Company Summary
3.0 Products
4.0 Market Analysis Summary
5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary
6.0 Management Summary
7.0 Financial Plan

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Link to my dream home

Glass house created with SketchUp!

Post a link and embed your work!

Make a dog with Paint

Upload to your blog. Dog reading literature book.

Business Plan Summer 2009

First you are going to write a business plan with WordPad.

Second you are going to create a logo with Paint.

Third, use your blog to write a press release about your exciting new business.

Lastly you will zip up your business plan and logo and upload it to

Put a link to it on your blog post with the press release.

Here are some good links. Email me before Sunday and I will give you feedback on your business plan.

Find five more shortcuts for Windows

Use the Internet to research shortcuts for Windows. Try them out and put them on your blog. Write about what you think is the best shortcut!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Terms from the first week

On Tuesday there will be mutliple choice, true-false, and short essay questions.

File extension
Operating System
Start button
What is Firefox?
When you right click what menu comes up?
What does it mean to 'maximize', 'minimize', and 'restore'?
What are the shortcuts for copying, pasting, and cutting?
How can you alphabetize the files when viewing in 'My Computer'?
What is a hard disk drive? CD-ROM drive?
What is a Web browser?
What is a Web page?
What is an ISP?
What is a URL?
What is a Home page?
What is a Search engine?
What is a Portal?
Think vs.
What are Pop ups?
What is a web site?
What is a hyperlink?
What does "WWW" stand for?
How do government web sites usually end? .gov
How do education related websites usually end? .edu
Commercial websites? .com
What does "History" mean on a browser.
What does your mouse look like when you put it over a hyperlink?
What are tabs used for with browsers?
How can one open a tab with Internet Explorer?
What is a server?
How do protocols relate to the Internet?
What is software?
Computer application?
What is a computer network?
What is network topography?
What is a port?
What is a computer?
What is a laptop/notebook?
What is a PDA?
What are peripherals?
What is the motherboard?
What is RAM?
What is a supercomputer?
The control unit and ______________ logic unit are located in the CPU.
What is the average speed of a modern CPU? What is it measured in?
What is a GUI?
What is a laser printer?
What is dpi as it is concerned with printing?
What is spyware?
What is a cookie?


Title bar

Shortcut menu

Quick launch toolbar

Notification area

Status bar


Here are the presentations:
Chapter 1

Chapter 3

Possible Short Essay Questions (2-3 paragraphs):

  • Describe how the Internet has revolutionized business in the last decade and a half.
  • What is a computer? Explain the essential functions of a computer.
  • Describe the purpose of a business plan.
  • You need to explain Internet security to a friend who knows nothing about the subject. What will you warn them about? How can they stay safe online?

Your information

Summer 2009

Welcome to class!

Find two articles related to computer hardware and summarize what is going on!

Also provide a link to the articles.

Here is a good way to find current articles about any subject!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sabbatical from Office

Hopefully I'll return to my regular posting in Summer. :)