Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'll need the URL to your blog.

Blog posts from the first day

The first blog post was about your expectations for the class.

The second blog post is a link to something going on today in the world of technology or business:

Post it on your blog. The summary can be succinct.

Thirdly, I'd like to know a bit about you. Please write me an email ( ) introducing yourself.

Lastly please submit your blog URL in the post above along with your most used email address.

For some interesting google ideas.

Keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl + Number: will give you the different tabs in Internet Explorer (or Firefox). Example Ctrl + 2 will give you the second tab.

Alt + Tab: will cycle through the taskbar (all open programs!) in Windows.

F1 will give you help with Internet Explorer.

Ctrl + C will copy text.

Ctrl + V will paste text.

Ctrl + X will cut text.

Ctrl + Z will undo a mistake.

Ctrl + F will find a word.

Ctrl + P will print.

Very useful shortcut for the Internet:Ctrl + Enter.

Ctrl + H will give you the history for Internet Explorer.

Alt + Left will go back in history and Alt+ Right will go forward to previous website.

My Expectations for this Year

I expect the class to have fun, learn a lot about the Internet, Microsoft Office and technology in general and I expect many students to have good things to say about CGS1060.

Here is a link to the syllabus for Fall 2008

Click here to see the syllabus.