Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Blog posts from the first day
The first blog post was about your expectations for the class.
The second blog post is a link to something going on today in the world of technology or business:
Post it on your blog. The summary can be succinct.
Thirdly, I'd like to know a bit about you. Please write me an email ( ) introducing yourself.
Lastly please submit your blog URL in the post above along with your most used email address.
The second blog post is a link to something going on today in the world of technology or business:
Post it on your blog. The summary can be succinct.
Thirdly, I'd like to know a bit about you. Please write me an email ( ) introducing yourself.
Lastly please submit your blog URL in the post above along with your most used email address.
Keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl + Number: will give you the different tabs in Internet Explorer (or Firefox). Example Ctrl + 2 will give you the second tab.
Alt + Tab: will cycle through the taskbar (all open programs!) in Windows.
F1 will give you help with Internet Explorer.
Ctrl + C will copy text.
Ctrl + V will paste text.
Ctrl + X will cut text.
Ctrl + Z will undo a mistake.
Ctrl + F will find a word.
Ctrl + P will print.
Very useful shortcut for the Internet:Ctrl + Enter.
Ctrl + H will give you the history for Internet Explorer.
Alt + Left will go back in history and Alt+ Right will go forward to previous website.
My Expectations for this Year
I expect the class to have fun, learn a lot about the Internet, Microsoft Office and technology in general and I expect many students to have good things to say about CGS1060.
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