Thursday, February 28, 2008

clever use of charts?

Objective Test Review:
Questions will come from the end of chapter review questions as well. You may use your answers from the homework (see the syllabus!). Test will be 20 questions (shorter than the other objective tests so you will have time to work on the performance practice exam).

Formula Box
Name Box
Cell reference
Cell content
Constant Value
Fill handle
Column headings
Active cell
The data that displays in the Formula Bar is referred to as the __________.
Office clipboard
Drag and drop
Paste area
What-if analysis
Order of operations
Formula Auto Complete
Logical Test
Data bar
A statistical function commonly used to describe a group of data, and which finds the middle value in a group of values that has as many values above it in the group as are below it is the __________.
What is the IF statement?


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Changed the budget project to 10 days

I changed the budget project to 10 days from 14 days. Everyone needs to keep track of their spending and income on a spreadsheet. I'll publish the spreadsheet I created in class so you have something to work off of.

Here's a link to the budget!

Spreadsheet practice

Spreadsheet practice.

Continue working on Chapter 9A, 9B, 10A, 10B, 11A, 11B.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Is it a real threat to Microsoft?

One guy who thinks Google Apps is going to take market share from Microsoft Office.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Don't forget to email me your resumes and cover letters today!

Email me your cover letters and resumes if you haven't done so already. Remember the resume was done with Add me as a viewer on it. The cover letter for a possible job or funding can be done in any format you want.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Re-take on Tuesday

In order to retake the test on Tuesday you MUST have a passing score on the Word 2007 practice exam.

If you do have a passing score on the practice exam, I will allow you to retake the test on Tuesday. The only difference for the test will be that there will only be 3 tries per question. That shouldn't be hard...because now everyone will have STUDIED! This is the only time this year we will be doing this.


Office project

Your Word Processing project is to send me a resume via Google Documents and a cover letter through email to using Microsoft Word. I have already received many people's work.

The due date is 2/19/08.

I will tally all the extra things we have done so far and let you know how many points you have if you email me.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

When you finish the test you may leave.

If you haven't sent me your resume via google docs or your cover letter via email, do so before next class.

The big grade comes on Thursday with your performance exam. Make sure you go over the Word 2007 Performance exam until you get it perfect!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Objective test next Tuesday

    Here's what you need to know for the objective test:

  • Left, center, right justified alignment

  • Line spacing (single, double)

  • Format painter

  • Cutting

  • Copying

  • Pasting

  • Paste options

  • Bullets

  • Office Clipboard

  • AutoCorrect

  • Footnotes

  • Works Cited

  • Hanging Indent

  • Margins

  • The placement of paragraph text relative to the left and right margins is known as the ________.

  • Undo

  • Redo

  • To keep two words together as one unit, so that Word does not split them at the end of a line, insert a(n) __________ space.

  • What is a "Symbol"? How would you access it?

  • A set of formatting characteristics that can be applied to a paragraph with one shortcut command is known as a 'style'.

  • A list of information about a reference source, usually including the name of the author, the full title of the work, the year of publication, a Web address, and other publication information, is called ____________.
  • Document Properties
  • Insertion point
  • Title bar
  • Word wrap
  • Formatting
  • Font
  • Sans serif
  • Serif
  • Keyboard shortcut
  • Live preview
  • Footer
  • Scroll box
  • Scroll bar
  • Quick Access Toolbar
  • Formatting marks
  • ScreenTip
  • When you select text, the __________ toolbar displays buttons that are commonly used with the selected object.
  • Selecting text
  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Underline
  • Which view displays page margins?
  • How do you quickly access the shortcut menu with the mouse?
  • Word Art
  • Floating graphic
  • Rotate handle
  • Anchor
  • Shapes
  • Leader characters
  • Tab stop
  • Cell
  • Table
  • Table style
  • A(n) ___________ symbol indicates the paragraph to which an object is attached.
  • When a graphic is selected, ___________ display around the edge of the graphic.
  • A banner is an example of a predefined __________ that can be inserted into a document.
  • A series of dots following a tab that serve to guide the reader's eyes is known as a dot __________.
  • To move from cell to cell across a table as you enter text, press ___________.
  • To create a table in Word, click the ___________ button on the Insert tab.
  • Shading button and its relation to tables.
  • To set the alignment of a table on a page, display the Table tab of the ________ dialog box.
  • Merge cells

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Some notes for the objective test next week!

Here are some notes about Microsoft Word.

End of chapter questions

As noted on the syllabus, you should be completing the following end of chapter questions for your objective exam on February 12th.

You may post your answers on the blog if you wish but I am not offering EC for end of chapter questions on the blog. If you'd prefer to write your answers on paper that's fine too. The point is to be familiar with the terms and concepts.

Here's what you need to do (from the syllabus):

End of Chapter Questions, p. 292-3

End of Chapter Questions, p. 378-79

End of Chapter Questions, p. 460-61 (Chapter 7- What we are covering today!)

Monday, February 4, 2008

I hope everyone is working on their homework

Everyone should be working on 5a, 5b, 6a, and 6b on

I told you Yahoo! was vulnerable. Microsoft launched a bid to take them over:

read about it.