Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Grades at this point

Click here for grades.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Worst presentation ever?

Is this the worst PowerPoint ever?

Microsoft offers tips to people creating PowerPoint presentations!

This blogger has a lot of respect online. His tips are pretty good. Don't think of them as law, of course.

Notice any disagreement between his tips and Microsoft's official website tips?

This is an art, not a science.

By the way, I highly recommend Seth Godin's most recent post.

PowerPoint project due December 10th, 2008

Here is your PowerPoint project.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Extra Credit possibility for students in class next Wednesday

Wednesday, November 26th is possible extra credit for students in class!! We begin PowerPoint on Wednesday.

I opened up the exercises for the PowerPoint chapters. We will be doing all the chapters for PowerPoint.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Chapter 12 and 13 objective test next class

You may bring in notes from Chapter 12 and 13. The end of chapter questions will be very helpful.

Wednesday November 19th, 2008.

Also the Practice Exam is now available for Access.

Congrats to everyone who did better on the Excel exam.

Chapter 12 and 13 objective test next class

You may bring in notes from Chapter 12 and 13. The end of chapter questions will be very helpful.

What's your opinion?

Find an article online in favor of bailing out the automakers (GM, Chrysler, Ford) and find one against. Put links on your blog and write your own impressions.

Here's one article you can cite:

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Access Possessions Project

Info here. Due November 24, 2008.

Database questions...

  1. What is a database?
  2. What is a table?
  3. What is a primary key?
  4. What would a business use a database for?

Go to street view.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Access Pets Database on the J Drive

Put it on the J: Drive with your last name before Pets in the
J:\Access November 10 2008


Make up test on Friday for Excel!

You can do a makeup exam (Performance) for Excel in ROOM 9103 on Friday November at 3:15pm.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Work on Chapter 12 Access


You may begin Chapter 12A and 12B Access Skill-based training. Also read chapter 12 in your textbook.

See you next week.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You have until Sunday at 11:59 pm to do the Excel Objective

You have until Sunday at 11:59 pm to do the Excel Objective.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Old Faithful

Click here and download

Old Faithful - That Trusty old Geyser

Excel files and Word files. You and a partner will complete questions 1-4 in class and submit it for an extra point title it "Old Faithful" on your Hot Dog example.

Please save it as YourLastName and Data in the J:\October 27 Excel folder.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Budget Project

Here are the instructions.

Due November 10th, 2008.

Monday, October 20, 2008

If statements!

=IF(P3>=90,"A",IF(P3>= 80,"B",IF(P3>=70,"C",IF(P3>=60,"D","F"))))

Save your Excel worksheet as your last name, here:

J:\Excel October 21 2008\

Grades by ID number

Grades to this point by ID number.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Comparing Google and Yahoo!

Here's today's assignment:

Save it on the J: drive in class in the folder called: October 15, 2008 Excel

Save the file as 'YourLastNameGooglevsYahoo' but replacing YourLastName with...your actual last name.

Where to put your money right now

On your blog, please respond to Mark Cuban's post:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Miami Dade is giving away an iPod

Make a video about network security and you could win an iPod from Miami Dade. More about the contest.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Here's the resume


You will use to host your resume with current experience. Here's mine for reference: is a good site to learn about resumes.

Also you will need a cover letter for a specific job.

Add me as a viewer to your resume online.

My email is Due by October 8th, 2008.

Marketwatch Game

Game id:

Game name:

Saturday, September 27, 2008

For extra credit

If you are interested in extra credit, you can watch this TED talk and write your impressions on your blog.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Touch Typing Online

Here's a free web site to teach you how to type.

What do you think of MyITLab so far?

Please give me your first impressions of

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Grades from the first test:

First test:

4 A's
7 B's
9 C's
5 D's
4 F's

Monday, September 15, 2008

For the first objective test on Wednesday

  1. You must have access
  2. If you don't have access, you must purchase it online. Course id is on the syllabus.
  3. The test will have multiple choice and fill in the blank. Spelling will count.
  4. Review end of the chapter questions from Chapter 1-4 and the review sheet.
  5. First test is not open notes or open book.

After you have done all that you may want to continue working on chapter 5-7 in

Is Google going to build "Data Barges"?


Using Google Finance to understand what's going on in the stock market!

Click here to visit google finance.

Explain on your blog what's going on with the stock market and explain why you think this is happening.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How to keep your computer safe!

  • Basic terminology
  • Pictures
  • A clear understanding of how to protect your computer!
  • What should the user look out for!

Ad aware

Chapter 4 Presentation

Monday, September 8, 2008


Searching for a new file

Make a new file using notepad and title it "hello.txt" save it in a folder called "Example" within My Documents.

Then we will try different ways to search for it!

Google Chrome

Install Google Chrome.

Write your impressions on your blog after using it for a few minutes.

Here is the link to the Chapter 3 presentation.

Here's a link to stumbleupon.


What did you think of StumbleUpon? Please write on your blog.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Begin defining the following terms using your book or online

File extension
Operating System
Start button
What is Firefox?
When you right click what menu comes up?
What does it mean to 'maximize', 'minimize', and 'restore'?
What are the shortcuts for copying, pasting, and cutting?
How can you alphabetize the files when viewing in 'My Computer'?
What is a hard disk drive? CD-ROM drive?
What is a Web browser?
What is a Web page?
What is an ISP?
What is a URL?
What is a Home page?
What is a Search engine?
What is a Portal?
Think vs.
What are Pop ups?
What are Frames?
What is a web site?
What is a hyperlink?
Know the address of the class blog :
What does "WWW" stand for?
How do government web sites usually end? .gov
How do education related websites usually end? .edu
Commercial websites? .com
What does "History" mean on a browser.
What does your mouse look like when you put it over a hyperlink?
What are tabs used for with browsers?
How can one open a tab with Internet Explorer?
What is a server?
How do protocols relate to the Internet? Here's some more info.
What is software?
Computer application?
What is a computer network?
What is network topography?
What is a port?
What is a computer?
What is a laptop/notebook?
What is a PDA?
What are peripherals?
What is the motherboard?
What is RAM?
What is a supercomputer?
The control unit and ______________ logic unit are located in the CPU.
What is the average speed of a modern CPU? What is it measured in?
What is a GUI?
What is a laser printer?
What is dpi as it is concerned with printing?
What is spyware?
What is a cookie?

Define the following:

Title bar

Shortcut menu

Quick launch toolbar

Notification area

Status bar


Your Homework from the book:

End of Chapter Questions, p. 55-57

End of Chapter Questions, p. 168-9

End of Chapter Questions, p. 233-36

Here is the first presentation.

Business 2008

First you are going to write a business plan with WordPad.

Second you are going to create a logo with Paint.

Third, use your blog to write a press release about your exciting new business.

Lastly you will zip up your business plan and logo and upload it to

Put a link to it on your blog post with the press release.

For example here is a link to my uploaded zipped file.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'll need the URL to your blog.

Blog posts from the first day

The first blog post was about your expectations for the class.

The second blog post is a link to something going on today in the world of technology or business:

Post it on your blog. The summary can be succinct.

Thirdly, I'd like to know a bit about you. Please write me an email ( ) introducing yourself.

Lastly please submit your blog URL in the post above along with your most used email address.

For some interesting google ideas.

Keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl + Number: will give you the different tabs in Internet Explorer (or Firefox). Example Ctrl + 2 will give you the second tab.

Alt + Tab: will cycle through the taskbar (all open programs!) in Windows.

F1 will give you help with Internet Explorer.

Ctrl + C will copy text.

Ctrl + V will paste text.

Ctrl + X will cut text.

Ctrl + Z will undo a mistake.

Ctrl + F will find a word.

Ctrl + P will print.

Very useful shortcut for the Internet:Ctrl + Enter.

Ctrl + H will give you the history for Internet Explorer.

Alt + Left will go back in history and Alt+ Right will go forward to previous website.

My Expectations for this Year

I expect the class to have fun, learn a lot about the Internet, Microsoft Office and technology in general and I expect many students to have good things to say about CGS1060.

Here is a link to the syllabus for Fall 2008

Click here to see the syllabus.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

PowerPoint project due July 30th, 2008

A few people can present their "About me!" presentations next week! Email me if you are interested. 3 extra points!

Review a current event concerning databases

First click here:

and find an article about databases in the news. Give a brief summary about how the database is being used. Write this on your blog.

Database Project

View instructions here.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Extra credit

To download and install it. Extra credit for writing up a paragraph review of the different features. Put this on your blog!

3 bonus points!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Using IF statements

Add an if statement to your Gradesheet:

if a percentage is between 90 - 100 the Grade is an "A"
if a percentage is between 80 - 89 the grade is a "B"
if a percentage is between 70 - 79 the grade is a "C"
if a percentage is between 60 - 69 the grade is a "D"
if a percentage is between 0 - 59 the grade is a "F"

We'll go over how to do this with Google Documents and Excel.

Excel Keyboard shortcuts

Good website for Excel keyboard shortcuts.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Google Documents Grade Spreadsheet

Here are the grades I have using your student IDs:

I want you to create a Google Spreadsheet to keep track of your grades! Add me as a viewer.

Comparing two Internet Giants

We will be comparing Google and Yahoo!

When finished, save your Excel spreadsheet as "YourLastName Yahoo Google Comparison" and put it on the J: drive under the folder "Yahoo v Google Excel Comparison".

Evaluate a business article

Today you are to find an article about business from the New York Times:

Monday, July 7, 2008

Using Google Documents (Spreadsheet)

Excel 2007 Budget Project Due July 16th 2008

Keep track of money coming in and money going out!

Here are the instructions for the budget project!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Word Processing Project

You are going to create a resume and post it on Google Documents with as a viewer. Then you are to write a cover letter for a possible job you might be interested in (also use Google Documents).

Here's my resume:

Here's how to write a cover letter:

Add me as a viewer before July 7th.

Use your blogger account to access Google Documents!

Average for the first test was...

77%. High C...

Nice distribution.

It was slightly skewed lower by a few students who just started that day. No big deal if you didn't do well! You can re-take a performance and an objective test at the end of the semester.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Objective and Performance Test on July 7th, 2008

Objective and performance test on July 7th, 2008.

What's the best trick you've learned so far while using Word?

Section id

Section id: CRSWEBG-1000000000000517

If you need to purchase the access code:

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Review for first objective test

More terms for the first objective test on Monday June 30th, 2008:

File extension
Operating System
Start button
What is Firefox?
When you right click what menu comes up?
What does it mean to 'maximize', 'minimize', and 'restore'?
What are the shortcuts for copying, pasting, and cutting?
How can you alphabetize the files when viewing in 'My Computer'?
What is a hard disk drive? CD-ROM drive?
What is a Web browser?
What is a Web page?
What is an ISP?
What is a URL?
What is a Home page?
What is a Search engine?
What is a Portal?
Think vs.
What are Pop ups?
What are Frames?
What is a web site?
What is a hyperlink?
Know the address of the class blog :
What does "WWW" stand for?
How do government web sites usually end? .gov
How do education related websites usually end? .edu
Commercial websites? .com
What does "History" mean on a browser.
What does your mouse look like when you put it over a hyperlink?
What are tabs used for with browsers?
How can one open a tab with Internet Explorer?
What is a server?
How do protocols relate to the Internet? Here's some more info.
What is software?
Computer application?
What is a computer network?
What is network topography?
What is a port?
What is a computer?
What is a laptop/notebook?
What is a PDA?
What are peripherals?
What is the motherboard?
What is RAM?
What is a supercomputer?
The control unit and ______________ logic unit are located in the CPU.
What is the average speed of a modern CPU? What is it measured in?
What is a GUI?
What is a laser printer?
What is dpi as it is concerned with printing?
What is spyware?
What is a cookie?


These terms were from the first day of class:


Title bar

Shortcut menu

Quick launch toolbar

Notification area

Status bar



End of Chapter Questions, p. 55-57

End of Chapter Questions, p. 168-9

End of Chapter Questions, p. 233-36

Not an open note test.

PowerPoints from class:

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Creating folders and files for a small business

Pick a small business to work with. For example, you could work with a pre-school, a dental clinic, a moving company, or ....? You can pick a different industry that you are more familiar with!

You need to organize the business for the client. They need five separate folders to keep their records. One folder will be called "Business Plan" and you will need to write a sample business plan and put it inside the folder. Click here to learn more about how to do it.

The next folder will be called "Advertising" and inside you will create a sample ad using Microsoft Paint.

The third folder will be called "Competitors" and you will have two saved web pages of your competitors.

The fourth and fifth folders are up to you. Think of possibilities and put a sample document in each. You may use notepad or Paint or ???

After these five folders are created you will zip them up and upload them to

Then copy the URL and post it on your blog.

For instance, here is my example done in class.

Email rant from Bill Gates

Read this and comment about it on your blog. What was his biggest gripe with the software? Why do you think Microsoft still has issues with software installation problems?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Last thing today

Google Suggest

Google bookmarks


Fifth assignment: What did you think of the first day of computer class?

First PP Presentation about Chapter 1

Assignment 4: Blog address and zip file

Please send me your blog URL and zipped folder.


My first images using paint!!

Assignment 3: First Day of School!

Picutre using Paint that is related to the "first day of school"!

Keyboard shortcuts

  1. Ctrl + Number: will give you the different tabs in Internet Explorer (or Firefox). Example Ctrl + 2 will give you the second tab.
  2. Alt + Tab: will cycle through the taskbar (all open programs!) in Windows.
  3. F1 will give you help with Internet Explorer.
  4. Ctrl + C will copy text.
  5. Ctrl + V will paste text.
  6. Ctrl + X will cut text.
  7. Ctrl + Z will undo a mistake.
  8. Ctrl + F will find a word.
  9. Ctrl + P will print.
  10. If you want to overwrite text push Insert on your keyboard. If you want to add text, push Insert again.
  11. Very useful shortcut for the Internet:
    Ctrl + Enter.
  12. Ctrl + H will give you the history for Internet Explorer.
  13. Alt + Left will go back in history and Alt+ Right will go forward to previous website.

June 30th is the deadline for getting access to

Blog Assignment Two

Look up these terms and define them on your blog

Title bar
Shortcut menu
Quick launch toolbar
Notification area
Status bar

Sample review

There are 1,000,000,000 computers in use in the world. This is due to increased computer usage in developing countries.

To start you off!

Blog Assignment 1: Write a review of an article concerning computer hardware

Find an article related to computer hardware and let us know what is going on!

Also provide a link to the article.

Here is a good way to find current articles about any subject!


Here it is:

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Course Evaluation in PowerPoint Form!

Here's the template for what I want you to fill in!

Instead of using the network drive J: in MDC, I'd rather you email me your PowerPoint to

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Running a bit late today

Hello class,

I'll be a little late today (April 8). Shouldn't be more than 10-15 minutes.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Access Database Project

Here are the instructions for the Access database project:

Due before April 1st, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Objective test tonight!

As it says on the syllabus, tonight's Access Objective test is "take home" and open all night. Go to and log in! You can do it from your home or anywhere with Internet access. The lab is open tonight if need be.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008

Thursday, February 28, 2008

clever use of charts?

Objective Test Review:
Questions will come from the end of chapter review questions as well. You may use your answers from the homework (see the syllabus!). Test will be 20 questions (shorter than the other objective tests so you will have time to work on the performance practice exam).

Formula Box
Name Box
Cell reference
Cell content
Constant Value
Fill handle
Column headings
Active cell
The data that displays in the Formula Bar is referred to as the __________.
Office clipboard
Drag and drop
Paste area
What-if analysis
Order of operations
Formula Auto Complete
Logical Test
Data bar
A statistical function commonly used to describe a group of data, and which finds the middle value in a group of values that has as many values above it in the group as are below it is the __________.
What is the IF statement?


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Changed the budget project to 10 days

I changed the budget project to 10 days from 14 days. Everyone needs to keep track of their spending and income on a spreadsheet. I'll publish the spreadsheet I created in class so you have something to work off of.

Here's a link to the budget!

Spreadsheet practice

Spreadsheet practice.

Continue working on Chapter 9A, 9B, 10A, 10B, 11A, 11B.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Is it a real threat to Microsoft?

One guy who thinks Google Apps is going to take market share from Microsoft Office.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Don't forget to email me your resumes and cover letters today!

Email me your cover letters and resumes if you haven't done so already. Remember the resume was done with Add me as a viewer on it. The cover letter for a possible job or funding can be done in any format you want.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Re-take on Tuesday

In order to retake the test on Tuesday you MUST have a passing score on the Word 2007 practice exam.

If you do have a passing score on the practice exam, I will allow you to retake the test on Tuesday. The only difference for the test will be that there will only be 3 tries per question. That shouldn't be hard...because now everyone will have STUDIED! This is the only time this year we will be doing this.


Office project

Your Word Processing project is to send me a resume via Google Documents and a cover letter through email to using Microsoft Word. I have already received many people's work.

The due date is 2/19/08.

I will tally all the extra things we have done so far and let you know how many points you have if you email me.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

When you finish the test you may leave.

If you haven't sent me your resume via google docs or your cover letter via email, do so before next class.

The big grade comes on Thursday with your performance exam. Make sure you go over the Word 2007 Performance exam until you get it perfect!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Objective test next Tuesday

    Here's what you need to know for the objective test:

  • Left, center, right justified alignment

  • Line spacing (single, double)

  • Format painter

  • Cutting

  • Copying

  • Pasting

  • Paste options

  • Bullets

  • Office Clipboard

  • AutoCorrect

  • Footnotes

  • Works Cited

  • Hanging Indent

  • Margins

  • The placement of paragraph text relative to the left and right margins is known as the ________.

  • Undo

  • Redo

  • To keep two words together as one unit, so that Word does not split them at the end of a line, insert a(n) __________ space.

  • What is a "Symbol"? How would you access it?

  • A set of formatting characteristics that can be applied to a paragraph with one shortcut command is known as a 'style'.

  • A list of information about a reference source, usually including the name of the author, the full title of the work, the year of publication, a Web address, and other publication information, is called ____________.
  • Document Properties
  • Insertion point
  • Title bar
  • Word wrap
  • Formatting
  • Font
  • Sans serif
  • Serif
  • Keyboard shortcut
  • Live preview
  • Footer
  • Scroll box
  • Scroll bar
  • Quick Access Toolbar
  • Formatting marks
  • ScreenTip
  • When you select text, the __________ toolbar displays buttons that are commonly used with the selected object.
  • Selecting text
  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Underline
  • Which view displays page margins?
  • How do you quickly access the shortcut menu with the mouse?
  • Word Art
  • Floating graphic
  • Rotate handle
  • Anchor
  • Shapes
  • Leader characters
  • Tab stop
  • Cell
  • Table
  • Table style
  • A(n) ___________ symbol indicates the paragraph to which an object is attached.
  • When a graphic is selected, ___________ display around the edge of the graphic.
  • A banner is an example of a predefined __________ that can be inserted into a document.
  • A series of dots following a tab that serve to guide the reader's eyes is known as a dot __________.
  • To move from cell to cell across a table as you enter text, press ___________.
  • To create a table in Word, click the ___________ button on the Insert tab.
  • Shading button and its relation to tables.
  • To set the alignment of a table on a page, display the Table tab of the ________ dialog box.
  • Merge cells

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Some notes for the objective test next week!

Here are some notes about Microsoft Word.

End of chapter questions

As noted on the syllabus, you should be completing the following end of chapter questions for your objective exam on February 12th.

You may post your answers on the blog if you wish but I am not offering EC for end of chapter questions on the blog. If you'd prefer to write your answers on paper that's fine too. The point is to be familiar with the terms and concepts.

Here's what you need to do (from the syllabus):

End of Chapter Questions, p. 292-3

End of Chapter Questions, p. 378-79

End of Chapter Questions, p. 460-61 (Chapter 7- What we are covering today!)

Monday, February 4, 2008

I hope everyone is working on their homework

Everyone should be working on 5a, 5b, 6a, and 6b on

I told you Yahoo! was vulnerable. Microsoft launched a bid to take them over:

read about it.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cover letter

Here's a place to learn more about writing a cover letter.

Write a cover letter to a possible employer or for funding and send it to me. I will offer feedback and send it back. This is for a "Word Processing" project due on February 19th 2008.

Don't forget to be working on the project 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B from! Do this before next class!

Add five blogs (including mine) and send me a screenshot of your google reader!!!

Extra credit (3 points)

Go to

Send me a screenshot to


Room 9103

Use this resource if you need any help with MyITLab!

From Monday-Thursday
7am-10:30 pm

7am-4:30 pm


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Shortcuts with the keyboard

Here is a list of shortcuts for Word using the keyboard.

Brevity is the soul of wit.
We are being witty in our use of key strokes with Word. :)

Study them, I believe they will save you a great deal of time in your life!

We are going to begin class on January 31 2008 with a 'group exploration' of all the tabs and options available with right click. IMHO, it's the best way to start studying a subject related to computers.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

On to Microsoft Office!

For the first component of Microsoft Office we will be using Microsoft Word.

First, we will be writing a resume using Word. This will become a project in the coming weeks.

Here's a great site to check out how to write a resume: seems pretty reliable.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Today's supercomputer is tomorrow's PDA

A current model quad core Xeon workstation running at 2.66 GHz will outperform a multimillion dollar cray C90 supercomputer used in the early 1990s, lots of workloads requiring such a supercomputer in the 1990s can now be done on workstations costing less than 4000 US dollars.


What operating systems are people using? Check it out here.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Test moved til Thursday!

We will be reviewing more on Tuesday. I'll still post a review tonight.


I'll update the syllabus accordingly.

Here's how to review.

  1. Read the book chapter 1, 2, and 4.
  2. Answer the questions at the back of the chapter
    1. End of Chapter Questions, p. 55-57
    2. End of Chapter Questions, p. 168-9
    3. End of Chapter Questions, p. 233-36
  3. Quiz yourself on the following terms:
  • Taskbar
  • Title bar
  • Shortcut menu
  • Quick launch toolbar
  • Notification area
  • Status bar
  • Folder
  • CD-RW
  • File extension
  • Wildcard
  • Thumbnail
  • Compress
  • Icon
  • Operating System
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Start button
  • What is Firefox?
  • When you right click what menu comes up?
  • What does it mean to 'maximize', 'minimize', and 'restore'?
  • What are the shortcuts for copying, pasting, and cutting?
  • How can you alphabetize the files when viewing in 'My Computer'?
  • What is a hard disk drive? CD-ROM drive?
  • What is a Web browser?
  • What is a Web page?
  • What is an ISP?
  • What is a URL?
  • What is a Home page?
  • What is a Search engine?
  • What is a Portal?
    • Think vs.
  • What are Pop ups?
  • What are Frames?
  • What is a web site?
  • What is a hyperlink?
  • Know the address of the class blog :
  • What does "WWW" stand for?
  • How do government web sites usually end? .gov
  • How do education related websites usually end? .edu
  • Commercial websites? .com
  • What is the feature of the browser that enables you to view your previous browsing? Hint using Ctrl+H will get you there quickly.
  • What does your mouse look like when you put it over a hyperlink?
  • To go backward with the browser, click the back button. To go forward, click the forward button.
  • What are tabs used for with browsers?
  • How can one open a tab with Internet Explorer?
  • What is a server?
  • How do protocols relate to the Internet? Here's some more info.
  • What is software?
  • Computer application?
  • What is a computer network?
  • What is network topography?
  • What is a port?
  • What is a computer?
  • What is a laptop/notebook?
  • What is a PDA?
  • What are peripherals?
  • What is the motherboard?
  • What is RAM?
  • What is a supercomputer?
  • The control unit and ______________ logic unit are located in the CPU.
  • What is the average speed of a modern CPU? What is it measured in?
  • What is a GUI?
  • What is a laser printer?
  • What is dpi as it is concerned with printing?
  • What is a monitor's resolution?

    Things we'll discuss Tuesday...
  • Spyware
  • System restore.

Good luck reading! Email me at with any questions!

How to sign up for My IT Lab

An Interesting Article

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Adding pictures and links to the blog...

Three more bonus points.

First, add a picture of your favorite place (maybe you haven't visited there yet but you've always wanted to!) is a good way to start.

Second, add a link to the high school you went to. If your high school doesn't have a website you can link to MDC.

Third, embed a video from the awesome UC Berkeley site on YouTube: that you find interesting!

Title this post "All About Me!".

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Next assignment from the book

Here's the next assignment from the book:

End of Chapter Questions, p. 168-9

You may post the answers on your blog for 3 points.


Five add-ons

The first add-on to Firefox that I installed was "About this Site".

This add on lets you find out info about who owns a web site, how many people visit the website and much more info! I would recommend this plugin/addon to Firefox!

The next add-on was "Stumble Upon". StumbleUpon is an AWESOME way to meet people with similar interests and discover great web pages. You wouldn't believe how many cool websites I've discovered and how many DAYS I've spent with SU.

The third ad-on I added to Firefox was FireFTP. This has became an invaluable part of my Internet web browsing. Now I have instant access to my FTP server. NO NEED TO bring a flash drive when I have my ftp access. :)

Firebug is one add-on I don't use very often. It's geared towards web developers (a hobby of mine) and I have found it useful to examine the source code of web pages...but it is an add-on I don't consider vital. It's more of a novelty.

Cooliris is a cool ad-on that allows you to preview a web page before you click on a link. What a cool time saver! I enjoy this add-on for Firefox a great deal!


See? The reviews don't have to be very long!

Intro to Internet Explorer and Firefox

  • The Internet: What is it? What was it built for?
  • How does Google work? What is the Page-Rank algorithm?
  • How does Ad-Words work? How much per word?
  • What is Google Suggest?
  • Use shortcuts for Internet Explorer.
  • Use shortcuts for Mozilla Firefox.
  • What is open source software?
  • What is Firefox? What are the advantages? Disadvantages?
  • What are plugins for Firefox? Try out five and give your evaluation on your blog for an extra three points.
  • As a group we will test out StumbleUpon. Click here to install.
  • Lastly, you will answer End of Chapter Questions, p. 168-9 on your blog, if you wish.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

First assignment

End of Chapter Questions, p. 55-57

Post on your blog for blog EC

An email!

I would like to get to know you a bit and help understand what your expectations are for the class this year.

Please write me an email with a paragraph about what you want to get out of this class! You may also include something interesting to help me get to know you better.

Blogs are a public media while emails give a bit more privacy and candor.

(+3 points)

Second current event article

Today's current event about technology is coming from . The summary should be a paragraph long. Get the article from the "Sci-Tech" section!

Only leave a comment here if you didn't leave one last class.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Second lesson...

Need to copy something quickly?

Need to cut something quickly?

Need to paste something quickly?

Shortcuts will save you time and money....

Welcome to class

Please leave your comment here with your blog. The first post will be a review of an article from

The review should be a paragraph long.